InvestLabs™ – Powered By Equity Risk Sciences

Finding Stocks

Researching Stocks

Monitoring Stocks

Present Screener

A tool to select current stocks which meet your selected financial criteria, including ERS’s proprietary ratings.

The Best Metrics™

This tool identifies which of 8 commonly-used financial metrics and 4 proprietary metrics produced the greatest profitability for a specific stock over a selected time period.

Multi High/Low Search

Insert a group of stock symbols to search for the dates on which they reached their highest or lowest price or rating levels.

Portfolio Analyzer

This tool allows you to analyze a portfolio of up to 10 stocks from the viewpoint of ERS’s ratings.

Historic Portfolio Screener

A tool to select stocks on a specific past date which meet your selected financial criteria, including ERS’s proprietary ratings.

5-Color Stock Chart

View interactive charts of a selected stock’s price and ERS’s risk ratings over a specified date range.

P/S Profit Finder™

This tool quantifies the average probability of producing a profit within a select date range when purchasing companies at selected P/S ratios.

Risk Table Report

This tool allows you to view ERS’s ratings on a list of up to 100 stocks and compare their future profitability on any specific date sand for multiple date ranges.

Two-Portfolio Comparison

This tool allows you to select a date and two sets of criteria to determine which set of criteria performed better.

Alpha Search™ (One-Portfolio)

Search for all companies that meet selected parameters and calculate their average X-year, Y-month performance from the first day they meet those criteria.

Alpha Search (Two-Portfolio)

Search for all companies that meet two sets of selected parameters and calculate and compare their average X-month performances from the first day they meet those criteria.

Price Protractor™

Compare the historic probabilities of two stocks producing a gain or loss within a specified time period.

Multi Portfolio Screener

A tool to select stocks in a range of dates which meet your selected financial criteria, including ERS’s proprietary ratings, and calculate their performance.

Stock Prognosis™

Search for all companies with financial metrics similar to those of a specified company on a specified date.

Drawdown Screener

Select a set of criteria to screen for stocks and their greatest price drawdowns during the specified date range.

Superior Sector Screen™

Calculate the performance of all stocks which match your specified parameters within each sector on a certain date.

Profit Map™

The Profit Map™ allows you to determine if a company is likely to produce a profit for you based upon its historic financial condition and growth, or based on your expectations and your estimates of future changes in a company’s financial condition.